New Art

“Hiding Spot” Acrylic, 16×20. I’ve been working on this painting for a week, creating a space to hide, through the colours and the corridors. I think about all the secrets we held so close when we were younger…when I was painting it felt like i was floating away…using the brush to ground me and bring me back down.

I’ve posted some close shots, you can see the textures, and how the colours blend. I’m happy with how this turned out, looking forward to revisiting this technique on another canvas.

Film Shoot

So grateful for this weekend and the team I got to work with, flexing my skills as the director. We spent a full day working together, filming and setting up throughout downtown Winnipeg, capturing some great moments and finding our groove as a film crew. We finished on schedule and we are stoked to see this project come to life.


It is nice to reflect and look back on my earlier work. This was shot in 2011 on Bolex, I remember it was cold, and I remember wanting the clip to look and feel like a painting. Understanding the graininess of the film stock and how flat white backgrounds can create so much texture, I was able to achieve my goal.

The most satisfying part of filmmaking is seeing all these images in my brain, a congestion of unmade compositions, and being able to organize and translate them to this medium.

Through the haze

Last week I woke up and the city was covered in the most gorgeous blanket of fog. I grabbed my camera and ventured out to take some photos in the haze. 

Winnipeg Henderson Highway
From the Disraeli Bridge
Frost and Fog
Portage and Main
Downtown Alley
When the fog started to lift, Exchange District

New Work

Newlight ~ 2023

Preview of new work: Decolonizing the analog medium through a digital space: Not by narrative or subject, but through reconstruction.

Yellow, cyan and magenta wash over the digital flow to create the idea of a film negative, windows become the perforations, and the vertical movement indicates film threaded through the light of a projector. Low hum vibrations echo the sounds of the mechanical device.

Inspired by Stan Brakhage “Mothlight” with the idea of grief as motivation, and giving life through new processes.

Work In Progress

New work taking shape, footage and audio I recently shot in Carberry, Mb. Finding a balance between atmosphere and visuals by remixing audio and layering noise over the footage. My goal is to emphasize the tension through the framing and sound design, building the audio as the character moves into the woods.

Shot with Canon EOS R, utilizing a DJI Ronin Stabilizer.


Taking a different approach to portraits, creating something a bit atmospheric through the audio with some dynamic black and white static shots. This one was my Dad. Glad to work with him and get out into the woods to shoot some really fun footage.